COMSOL Invites Users to Boston for Conference

Connect with industry leaders at the COMSOL modeling and simulation event in October.

Connect with industry leaders at the COMSOL modeling and simulation event in October.

This event brings together engineers, scientists, researchers and managers from a range of industries to showcase how modeling and simulation helps drive innovation, according to COMSOL. Image courtesy of COMSOL.

COMSOL invites the multiphysics simulation community to its COMSOL Conference 2024 Boston, October 2–4. This event brings together engineers, scientists, researchers and managers from a range of industries to showcase how modeling and simulation helps drive innovation.

This year's program includes more than 25 technical minicourses, keynote talks from industry leaders, presentations from fellow simulation users, panel discussions and more. The COMSOL Conference is an event for simulation specialists and researchers looking to explore cutting-edge research, learn new multiphysics modeling skills, and connect with the simulation community. The conference program features keynote talks by industry leaders, poster and slideshow presentations on innovative designs and research findings, and minicourses covering topics across engineering disciplines. 

Visit the COMSOL Conference 2024 Boston website to get more details.

Learn New Modeling Techniques 

Choose from 25+ minicourses on how to use the COMSOL Multiphysics software for creating physics-based models and building standalone simulation apps. At the demo stations, you can receive 1-on-1 guidance on your specific modeling projects from COMSOL applications engineers.

Connect with the Simulation Community

During the breaks, attendees can discuss modeling projects with other practitioners while sampling complimentary food and beverages. In the poster hall, attendees can plan to engage with fellow attendees and see how they are using simulation in their work.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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