Ansys Launches Ansys 2024 R2

R2 enhancements focus on accelerating run times, scaling capacity, enabling digital transformation and providing hardware flexibility.

R2 enhancements focus on accelerating run times, scaling capacity, enabling digital transformation and providing hardware flexibility.

Interposer on Package on PCB assembly captured for comprehensive IC to system level simulation and analysis. Image courtesy of Ansys.

Ansys 2024 R2 enables customers to move beyond single-physics simulation to gain insight into the performance of complex products. R2 enhancements focused on accelerating run times, scaling capacity, enabling digital transformation and providing hardware flexibility are making Ansys multiphysics simulations more accessible.

“Ansys 2024 R2 makes our portfolio deeper, broader, smarter, and more connected than it’s ever been,” says Shane Emswiler, senior vice president of products at Ansys. “Customers rely on Ansys software that spans the entire range of physics and domains, from systems simulation to digital twins.”

Customers across industries will realize gains in productivity and collaboration through R2’s enhancements to connected workflows across the Ansys portfolio.

Comprehensive Solutions

Ansys 2024 R2 streamlines multiphysics workflows, simplifying connecting multiple, disparate software technologies across domains. The new release makes it easier for users to evaluate cost and performance throughout a product’s life cycle.

The new Ansys HFSS-IC solver addresses advanced chip designs. Integrating Ansys’ electronic and semiconductor technologies, the new HFSS-IC solver excels at electromagnetic analysis for IC signoff across power and signal integrity analysis.

Enhancements to Ansys Mechanical structural simulation software for e-powertrain workflows boost overall productivity of NVH analyses by delivering more accurate test correlation, acoustics simulation, and speed improvements.

This release also includes data transfer between the Ansys Zemax optical system design software and the Ansys Speos optical performance analysis solver to evaluate and optimize optical designs—including large systems with complex fields and wavelengths. 

Ansys adds the TwinAI software to its portfolio. TwinAI software combines insights from real-world data, powered by AI techniques, with the accuracy of multidomain models. This release also includes improvements to enable scaled deployments to the cloud or edge, allowing customers to unlock additional insights from real-world data.

The Ansys Missions AI + tool is a new technology that delivers algorithms focused on enhancing Ansys Digital Mission Engineering (DME) products. Engineers can automatically evaluate the quality of resulting orbit solutions with tuned models to provide expert-level analysis and enhanced safety of flight routines. Infusing AI into Ansys DME solutions allows users of varying simulation expertise to access and deploy the technology with ease.

Ansys AI integrations are also creating design efficiencies for nanometer-scale semiconductor applications. Ansys RaptorX electromagnetic modeling software now includes an AI-driven IC floorplan optimization solution, which identifies the ideal layout for mitigating electromagnetic coupling issues in analog and RF IC designs. By combining the RaptorX solver with AI, users can reduce circuit footprint and shrink design time from weeks to days.

Ansys technology in 2024 R2 facilitates scalable high-performance computing (HPC) deployment, with all solver technologies optimized to run on central processing units (CPUs) and solutions optimized for the latest graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware from multiple vendors. This list includes the Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors software for autonomous system testing, which features adaptive grid sampling for long-range object detection. Adaptive grid sampling allows simulation users to focus on specific objects within a virtual driving scenario to gather more targeted data. Compared to global sampling, which gathers all data from a driving scenario resulting in oversampling, the AVxcelerate Sensors enhancement delivers faster simulation and less GPU memory consumption with the same or better level of object detection and predictive accuracy.

Ansys Fluent fluid simulation software boasts new hardware compatibility with AMD GPUs, supporting a selection of hardware options. Users working on acoustics, reacting flows, or subsonic/transonic compressible flows can now leverage the multi-GPU solver to run their simulations at exponentially faster speeds with the expansion of physics modeling capabilities. Embedded integration of Ansys optiSLang process integration and design optimization software supports further exploration of design options through built-in parametric optimization.

Click here to learn more about Ansys 2024 R2.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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